Thursday, December 15, 2011

Compare and Contrast: Earthworm and Crayfish

Today we did a dissection on an Earthworm (Phylum:Annelida) and a Crayfish (Phylum: Arthropod). Afterwards I did a compare and contrast on their Habits, Reproduction, Movement, Nervous Systems.

Earthworm: Live in moist soil, they burry deep in the winters and come closer to ground and above ground when the weather is warmer.
Crayfish: Are aquatic, they live in fresh water, but are also found in salt water.

Earthworm: They are hermaphrodites, so each have 2 testes, surrounded by 2 pairs of testes sacs. There are 2 or 4 pairs of seminal vesicles which produce, store, and release the sperm, via male pores. Ovaries and ovi-pores in Segment 13 release eggs from female pores. They fertilize outside of their body on the cocoon. They reproduce sexually.
Crayfish: Their way of reproduction is by pressing their undersides together, the female releases eggs, while male releases sperm. While the female passes eggs along her body through the sperm before attaching it to her swimmerets. Reproduce sexually.

Earthworm: The earthworm moves by stretching it’s front section through the soil and then pulling its hind section up. The earthworm has two kinds of muscles that it uses to move. The circular muscles surround the worm’s body and can make the body shrink or spread out. The longitudinal muscles run along the length of the body and can shorten or lengthen the worm. The earthworm has a hydrostatic skeleton, made out of fluid.
Crayfish: A crayfish crawls with its legs, and swim really fast by turning around and flipping their tale back and forth very fast, repeatedly.

Nervous System:
Earthworm: An earthworm has no ears, eyes, or nose. They sense light and dark with small light sensitive cells found mainly on the uppers skin surface at the ends of their body. They sense vibrations and chemicals by the means of touch or chemical sensitive cells. The worm will move away from light, vibrations and dangerous chemicals.
Crayfish: The crayfish nervous system is composed of a ventral nerve cord fused with segmental ganglia.

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